Friday, July 29, 2005

Don't mind the smell, it's just my thighs burning...

I have a gym membership. At least, I'll have a gym membership until the middle of next month. I requested a cancellation, but you have to give 30 days written notice in order to cancel. I guess their thinking is that you'll reconsider during the 30 days and change your mind, figuring that if you have a gym membership, even if you don't go, you'll feel better about your health and well-being.

So, I bought a road bike recently, a Trek 1000, a step down from the Nimbus 2000, but a good bike nonetheless. I'm amazed at how much faster it rides than my old mountain bike. And I find it much easier to exercise with the wind blowing in my face as I dodge cars, pedestrians—and death—minute after minute.

So I've been going on small rides here and there: 6 miles, 7 miles, etc. Feeling good. Having fun. Even did 23 miles one morning.

Then my buddy Jason, who's a big road biker (referring to his enthusiasm, not bulk, although he has nice calves), he invites me to ride one morning, and proceeds to torture me for over 2 hours as we head up to Armonk, through Greenwich, and back down to Mamaroneck. 32 miles of thigh burning country roads. It was a good hurt, though.

We got to ride down some killer downhill sections, even hitting 40 m.p.h. a couple of times. Then, an 18-degree uphill that just about did me in. As I pulled into my garage, I was feeling really good about myself. Until I hopped off the bike and tried to walk upstairs with extreme Jello-legs.

Can't wait to go again.


At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff - you cannot let your Mom read about your near-death mountain biking experiences ...

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Are you saying she cares more about me than you do?

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when are we going to go riding? I crashed my mountain bike in a race in Idaho last week (my first, by the way) and tore up my shoulder (doc thinks it's a fracture, but it could also be a rotator cuff tear). Not to mention the huge gash on my elbow and the 6 inch circle of road rash on my hip...

At any rate, I think I can still ride my road bike without too much serious pain. I've been doing a 31 mile loop twice a week that comes pretty close to your house. Sweet riding up there. And if you think the traffic is bad there (wasn't it your wife who said she wants to run bikers off the road?!) you should try it down here in the Bronx at rush hour!


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